Town of Newbury
Public Safety Complex Committee
DATE: August 7, 2013 Approved as written, 9/4/2013
Present: Tracy Blais, Martha Taylor, Sam Joslin, John Lucey Jr., Curtis Walton
Absent: Keith Grant, Rob Serino, Patty Fisher
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m.
GOAL: To design & build a public safety complex for the Town of Newbury that will house the Newbury Police Department, Newbury Fire / Protection 2 and Emergency Management with space and resources to accommodate both agencies’ needs for the next 50 years while renovating the existing Town Hall building to better accommodate Town Hall services.
- Deficiency Report
- Feasibility Report
- Design Phase
- Construction & Renovation Phases
- Property Survey: T. Blais reported that on Monday, August 5, 2013, ARC Surveying and Engineering Associates began the survey of the three properties owned by Protection #2 and the Town-owned parcel on which Town Hall is located and expects to have the work completed and a plan prepared within two weeks.
- Lease vs. Ownership: T. Blais advised that the question of long-term lease vs. ownership of the land is now before the bond counsel, who must approve the possibility of a long-term lease before that option can be pursued further.
- C. Walton reported that he is still tracking down attorneys to review options on behalf of Protection #2 at the appropriate time. T. Blais recommended that the attorney be someone with municipal experience.
- Space Needs: S. Joslin reported that CSS is reviewing the space needs questionnaires, met with Committee Members to gather further information, and toured the W. Newbury public safety building. CSS will produce a draft report for review.
- Comparable Projects: C. Walton noted that the Town of Holden has just built a public safety complex and will forward a link to a video for Committee members to view.
- Committee Organization: A Chairperson is needed for the PSC Committee; a vote will be postponed until all members are present.
- Citizen Interest: J. Lucey reported that Eric Svahn, a Newbury resident, has expressed interest in helping the Committee move forward. M. Taylor noted that he is an architect with the Gund Partnership and also an Alternate to the ZBA. T. Blais will contact him.
- Equipment: C. Walton noted that concern has been raised about whether Protection #2 will be able to pursue loans for equipment in the future under the new proposed arrangement. T. Blais noted that the Town is already prepared to purchase equipment under the Capital Plan and that the Capital Planning Committee has requested a capital asset inventory in order to develop a replacement schedule.
The minutes of July 31, 2013, were reviewed, but no action was taken.
On a motion made by S. Joslin and seconded by J. Lucey, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
NEXT MEETING AUGUST 21, 2013, 9:00 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Taylor
Town Planner
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